Dr. P's Bury Diary

Dr. P (Paul to his mates) has many varied interests from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
(Can't think why, though she has a fair set of lungs on her), Cricket, Star Wars and
The World Wrestling Federations "Stone Cold Steve Austin".? A bit of a mixed bag
really, but the "Piece de resistance" has to be his Bury Diary, it's a must for all
Shaker's Fans.? This site is the longest running Bury site on the net and long may it continue.
Dr. P has recently agreed to merge his diaries with this site whilst also maintaining the original.

Paul's diaries are soon to be no more.? He will soon be launching a new Un-Official Bury FC Web Site.
Watch this space for the new site

The Danish Shakers Un-Official Scandinavian Bury FC Web Site

This may get confusing, Anders Sommer and his many friends are the Danish Shakers,
now Anders has recently moved to Belgium, so they must therefore now be The
Danish Belgian Shakers, confused, you will be.? He has now moved back to Denmark
and, therefore must now be - The Danish Belgian Danish Shakers, Wait until you
get to his site, it's all Danish, though he has got an English translation.
? Also you will need to have the latest Flash viewer plug in on your browser
cos Anders uses some really flashy graphics and sound.

The Shakers Web Site

This site put together by Paul "Shaker" Stevens features live game action,
you will need Real Player G2 or the Windows Media Player to see most of this site, but it is a must for all exiles.
Paul uses his TV Card to record all the goals and match action and puts it out on the web, brilliant or what.

The Bury FC Disabled Supporters Club and Supporters Association Web Site

Glynn Holland, who is doing just about everything for the Disabled Supporters
and a hell of a lot for the Supporters Association has now produced? his own
web site.? Get along to this very refreshing looking site, sign his guestbook
and have a good nosey around.

The Bury Internet Supporters (BIS) Forum

This E-Mail forum was set up when Carleton closed his message board,
you have to register to enter messages.? Also the official sponsors of one
Ryan Souter

The Latest Bury FC Site to hit the Web.

Ben Abbott's Site

I shall be including a small review of Ben's site very shortly

Andrew Pope-Moore is currently developing a new bury web site.? This
site looks a lot like this site did around three years ago. here.?

I shall be including a small review of Andrew's site very shortly

NEW?? BiG in BuRY - THe DiaRY oF a JoNaH.?? NEW

By far the strangest Bury Site is this one. ? It has been written by BiG, a sunderland supporter.
Does anyone actually know his name?.? To cut a very long story short, he occasionally attends Bury games,
usually to see us lose, as he is a nit of a jonah.? Once he has been to a game he produces another page
to his diary.? It's strange and good reading.
Click here to see this site

Baichung Bhutia Sites
Amazingly, the Star of Asia has quite a following in his home country,
here are two "Fans" sites dedicated to the wee man from the east

VV Singh's Site
Bhutia's Other Site

NEW?? The Official Ramsbottom United Web Site ?? NEW?

I shall be including a small review of Ben's site very shortly

Walshaw Sports Club Under 13's Junior Soccer Team
This site has been put together By Dave Pinder, a regular user of this site
and contains some amazing statistics for such a junior team.? It makes you want
to get up early and go and watch em, in fact I think I will
Visit the site here

