View Full Version : Funds - Update

21-05-2004, 13:21
Last night I was visited by a member of Forever Bury who had a cheque for £200.00 for our Fans team to enter the national competition.
However we had a condition to pay the money back by the time of the comp i.e. mid July.
I politely refused to accept the money on that condition.
There followed a lengthy discussion basically saying that Forever Bury was a fund raising operation and that for the hard earned money to be spent on a fans team was questionable.
I argued that the fans team was good PR for the club but that it cost's money to run.
I explained that I was putting money 'up front' last season and was hoping that whoever turned up for the match would pay it back. (risky)
I explained that I was no longer prepared to take that risk and this was the reason that we asked for help from Forever Bury.
I also explained that the majority of players were teenagers and that it was a good thing to carry on with.
He said he would discuss further at the next Forever Bury meeting.
The net result is that we have no funds and unless we find £200.00 we will not be able to enter a team.
We also may even be too late to enter.

21-05-2004, 13:32
Well done for fighting your corner John. However it's sad that they are not prepared to GIVE you the money. The fans team is a superb idea and helps strenghten the link between supporters and the club.

What a shame.

Maybe you could do the same as Grewer nine and ask for donations? £5 each??

21-05-2004, 13:52
Bang on there John. I firmly believe that the Fans Team is excellent PR for the club and that FB should adopt it. Whilst I don't play, i've never considered the Fans team as just a group of lads wanting to play football in a Bury shirt. It is a fantastic advert for the club and for FB.

I for one would have no objection to part of my FB money going to the team.

I take my hat off to a man prepared to stand up for good and sound principles. Whilst it would be a shame if the team didn't enter, it would the right thing under the circumstances

Salt and Shaker
22-05-2004, 17:39
didn't jim say in the changing rooms agaisnt maccclesfield fans that a fan from debyshire ( or somewhere round there) had said he/she would pay the entrance fee and we wouldn't have to pay them back :?: :?:

22-05-2004, 17:53
Yeah I was wondering about that myself. It was Derby Shaker wasn't it?

:? :? :?

Salt and Shaker
22-05-2004, 18:50
along the lines of that