View Full Version : PROBLEM: can you see my avatar?

07-01-2004, 18:32
Just got a pm from Woody saying he can't see my new avatar. :? Which is strange, as when I log on I can see it. Can any one else see it, or should I get Spock back?

V Shaped Badge
07-01-2004, 18:34
Nope, just the image hosted by tripod thingummy.

Bring back Spock I say.

07-01-2004, 18:35
Right, thanks :roll:

07-01-2004, 18:38
image hosted by Tripod is that it??

07-01-2004, 18:40
I can see it, it's a star trek thing that spins around

07-01-2004, 18:42
Yeah, it was the logo from the new series Star Trek Enterprise, and it kinda spun round. Seeing as some people could see it and some couldn't, I've decided to bring Spock back, as everyone can see him, I hope...

Can you see this? :arrow: http://members.tripod.com/CmdrTomalak/enterprisespindark.gif

I did really like that other avatar though :?

07-01-2004, 18:54
can't i'm afriad.

get somewhere else to host it?

i can host it for you if you like on the site i'm working on (please no comments:P)

07-01-2004, 19:32
Spock is in the avatar box now. the arrow is pointing to the advert:
Image hosted by tripod.in a box - blue/green/white/black coloured thingy

Leyland Titan
07-01-2004, 21:13
Missed this debate, but as a public service I can point out that you've got "Allegedly" wrong.
I've only just worked out ShakerMatt's spelling of distictly as well.

Distinctly ! HA!

Ol dirty glove
08-01-2004, 12:13
Graham Barrow's Barmy. Army.

08-01-2004, 12:20
Stop being mean............he's a trekkie, he can't help it :lol: :lol: :lol:

I quite like "Graham Barrows Barmy" as a statement actually


08-01-2004, 18:23
I can only see this


08-01-2004, 18:31
Graham Barrow's Barmy, Amy (allegedly)

08-01-2004, 23:41
talking of avatar's.. I see a lot of you have gone mad & changed yours .... :lol: I'm sticking with Tweety though :roll:

oops! As I work my way up the board to read the posts, I replied to this before seeing the New threads on this subject .... silly me :roll:

09-01-2004, 09:35
Graham Barrow's Barmy, Amy (allegedly)

Hey !!!!!!!!!!!

I'll sue, I really will :wink: