View Full Version : Cemmy End Chanting
04-10-2003, 22:19
On tuesday night against york me n 9 other m8s went to da game 2 watch york n bury n bury put out a good performance and me and al my m8s were singin gettin behind da team n al the rest were just clappin there need 2 stand up n get signin so do south stand and main stand (boring gits)
Well done. But no need to be offensive to your fellow fans. Bring even more "m8s" next match and you might get something going.
04-10-2003, 23:09
or... he could just f'off back to whatever hole he has climbed up from. this is a wind up on par with david blaine.
(ps, if it isn't a wind up, please start a charity for your development and I'll happily chip in a fiver)
yo iz u be da 1 who started da "OH MANCHESTER..." chant by mistake last saturday against donny?
06-10-2003, 11:33
Jesus who is this antrobo, and is he for reallllllllll????
everyone was singing on tuesday night
scales of justice
06-10-2003, 16:05
I don't know who he is,but I wish he would write in English.Reads like some Dalek language to me. :!:
I'm going to take antrobo15 seriously. People of any age have access to the internet nowadays (i'm let on it sometimes) so its good that we have youngsters trying to get involved with the club so [b]stop slagging them off. Not everybody is good at English and youngsters have got into the nasty habit of using text talk but thats nothing to do with posting about Bury, whether his information is wrong or not.
Not surprised people dont come back to watch us!
BUT dont call me a boring git! I'm a mainstander and ive wound up enough linesmen and opposition players to claim that i'm responsible for the odd win or two!
And SOJ, leave the Daleks out of this. If nobody will reply to my Doctor Who post on Y3K, you arent allowed to mention a 'Who' related character either! :wink:
06-10-2003, 16:42
Ok take your point Y3K, but text speak is very annoying and his comments are quite ridiculous
But well done on the linesmen abuse, like it!! :lol: :lol:
glad u like it! i do2! :wink:
06-10-2003, 19:39
I thought the idea of text speech was to make it easier to send a message on a keypad and to shorten the length of a message on a mobile. When we have access to a full keyboard it is unnecessary.
thrws w my s wll lv th vwls t ltgthr.
V Shaped Badge
06-10-2003, 19:51
An idea. :idea:
V Shaped Badge
06-10-2003, 19:52
Letz mk 2moz a txt spk only day n evry newcmr wil no wot we r spkin bout. It wudnt b gud 2 lv ppl out coz vwls r xpndbl
No wndr ppl dnt cum 2 ggg ne mor
06-10-2003, 20:00
gr f w lv vwls t s ntn nd nwspprs fllw st thnk f th trs nd nk tht wld b svd.
cld hlp nd glbl wrmng
Apologies if it takes a while to respond i am trying to find an all inclusive holiday on mytravel.com for under £100 for this weekend
07-10-2003, 01:25
For those of you who don't read the jokes page :lol:
--------------------- Act 1 -----------------------
Romeo : R u awake? Want 2 chat?
Juliet: O Rom. Where4 art thou?
Romeo: Outside yr window.
Juliet: Stalker!
Romeo: Had 2 come. feeling jiggy.
Juliet: B careful. My family h8 u.
Romeo: Tell me about it. What about u?
Juliet: 'm up for marriage f u are.. Is tht a bit fwd?
Romeo: No. Yes. No. Oh, dsnt mat-r, 2moro @ 9?
Juliet: Luv U xxxx
Romeo: CU then xxxx
--------------------- Act 2 -----------------------
Friar: Do u?
Juliet: I do
Romeo: I do
--------------------- Act 3 -----------------------
Juliet: Come bck 2 bed. It's the nightingale not the lark.
Romeo: OK
Juliet: !!! I ws wrong !!!. It's the lark. U gotta go. Or die.
Romeo: Damn. I shouldn't hv wasted Tybalt & gt banished.
Juliet: When CU again?
Romeo: Soon. Promise. Dry sorrow drinks our blood. Adieu.
Juliet: Miss u big time.
--------------------- Act 4 -----------------------
Nurse: Yr mum says u have 2 marry Paris!!
Juliet: No way. Yuk yuk yuk. n-e-way, am mard 2 Rom.
--------------------- Act 5 -----------------------
Friar: Really? O no. U wl have 2 take potion that makes u look
Juliet: Gr8.
--------------------- Act 6 -----------------------
Romeo: J-why r u not returning my texts?
Romeo: RUOK? Am abroad but phone still works.
Romeo: TEXT ME!
Batty: Bad news. J dead. Sorry m8.
--------------------- Act 7 -----------------------
Romeo: J-wish u wr able 2 read this...am now poisoning & and
in yr grave. LUV U Ju xxxx
--------------------- Act 8 -----------------------
Juliet: R-got yr text! Am alive! Ws faking it! Whr RU? Oh...
Friar: Vry bad situation.
Juliet: Nightmare. LUVU2. Always. Dagger.
07-10-2003, 11:18
Sorry guys Im 22 and use my mobile all the time to text, but I cant understand a bloody word your saying!!!!! Maybe Im getting old !!
07-10-2003, 12:50
don't worry cheerleader, i'm 17 and don't get much of it.
But back to the point.......
and me and al my m8s were singin gettin behind da team
Were you the same group chanting "We beat the scum 1-0" "Must have come on a tractor..." and "Build a bonfire...."?
I'm not sure that's getting behind the team. I still fail to see how that will gee up the players as much as applauidng their every move, cheering and a rousing "C'mon Bury, c'mon Bury" etc. Let's face it, there's chanting and there's getting behind your team
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